Breaking through Imposter Syndrome to Launch My Newsletter

“Welcome to the 1st edition of my monthly newsletter and thank you for subscribing, it means a lot to me. I've sat on this for months - edited and saved to drafts - today I'm finally hitting send.”

I’ve launched a monthly newsletter. It’s a way to connect with you, and my community, and serve you with exciting things like posts, stories, motivational quotes, links, offers, and so much more. I want to share my downloads; wins, struggles and lessons learned. But imposter syndrome kicked in, and I started to overthink it so it had been living in drafts. But no more…

Let's fight imposter syndrome together

Imposter Syndrome

If I'm being totally honest, hitting send and launching my newsletter felt a bit like going to a social gathering after social distancing - you are all excited about the idea of it but then when it comes to the day, you hesitate...the sofa is soo comfy and you do have another few episodes on Netflix still to watch. But then you pick yourself up, get ready and go, and it's the best night out ever, like, so you're so glad you went. 

It's kinda like that, ready to hit send but then stopping because I'm filled with so many "what if's".

Boom. Imposter syndrome

It's that inner critic..."Who are you to have a newsletter...sharing your thoughts with the world?! What if no one subscribes, opens it, reads it, cares?" 

Yet, picking myself up and getting ready is about pushing past that fear (aka comfort zone) and doing it anyway, and, if we're being honest, we've probably done a lot of that in life so far. 

  • I applied to university to study Architecture through Clearing (a system employed by UCAS and UK universities at the end of the academic year to fill course places that haven't been taken) because I didn't have the exam results required to apply with my schoolmate. 

  • I moved to Japan for a year to finish my Architecture postgrad studies when I didn't speak one word of Japanese

  • Or when I moved to Iceland to live with my long-distance boyfriend (now husband) of less than a year...I set up my tripod and filmed my first-ever YouTube vlog sharing what is now #IcelandFamilyLife 

You see my point. I embraced vulnerability

I may not have all the answers but my voice has value, my experiences and insights have value and I hope they will inspire you.

Over 800 of you have signed up and joined my list, thank you. It really does mean a lot. 

Embrace your journey, flaws and all. Remember, the world needs your authentic self, not the perfect version you think you should be.

Acknowledge Your Fears

Feeling like an imposter is normal, especially if you are doing something new. Yeah, you're going to feel like an imposter. If you've never done it before, how do you know the outcome? The best thing we can do is acknowledge the doubts without letting them control us. One day you'll look back on it and be glad you went for it. 

Focus On Your Why

This is big and super helpful. If you understand your why, you will have the motivation and solid reasons to keep going. Keep your why in your head, heart and gut. Your why is the reason you're doing it in the first place. Ask yourself why, seven times:

Why am I launching a newsletter? I want to launch this newsletter to communicate with my audience, to stay consistent and to share snippets of information I think my readers will find of value.

Why? Because building a community is important to me.

Why? Because my community are my people; my students, my clients, my customers. They are who I work with, and for. I create my courses and online learning to share my knowledge and experience with them. 

...and so on.

Celebrate Your Wins

Celebrate the wins, however big or small, easy or challenging. I celebrate each subscriber and any reply I will hopefully get - so hit reply and let me know if you are enjoying this. 

I’m celebrating the growth of my list, and how the newsletter resonates, these milestones will build momentum and my confidence will grow.

Community Support

For years I have been working on, and in, my business alone. Last year I joined the Bossbabe Societe. The connection and accountability I have gotten have been so worth the investment. Sharing experiences, tips, wins, and advice can make you feel less alone and more encouraged. If you are on the fence about investing in something; invest in yourself, the return will be worth it. 

Plan, Prepare, Progress - not perfection

As a busy working Mum of two young kids, not a huge amount of outside help, and a business to run, I need to plan. That's why I decided on a monthly newsletter. There's more chance I will achieve consistency. 

I am still learning that perfection is an unrealistic goal so, yes, there will be spelling mistakes and/or errors - I'm only human after all.