How To Start a YouTube Channel

How To Start a YouTube Channel

So you've decided to venture into the world of YouTube, and maybe even upload your first vlog. Well, a newbie myself a few months back, I've learned a few things over the last weeks of filming, editing, and uploading that I thought I would share with you today. 

Welcome to YouTube

First off, you'll need an account. I had one set up from years ago, I honestly don't remember setting it up but it was there. Pick a name that makes sense to you and your community of followers, if you have a blog or try to get your own name. I changed the name, added the profile picture I use on my social media so it all links, and gave my channel some (very simple) channel artwork. 

The first Vlog

For me, filming out and about was fine - mostly because I had just moved to a new country so no one would recognize me. This was the point though, to record my new life and its ups and downs. Week one started and I had a rough idea of what my week would entail, so I knew I have things to film. The awkward part came when I sat down to film the intro and outro. I was in the sitting room, all alone, just me and the camera. It was surreal. In hindsight, I think the best way to deal with this is to hit record, talk at the camera until you feel 'warmed up', delete all of that footage and then go for it properly. Instead, I was faced with editing for about an hour of me nervously trying to speak and messing up, a lot. Avoid this to save your own sanity. 

I now find myself setting up my camera and talking with relative ease or vlogging as I walk down the street - it's only when I think about what I'm doing, that I catch someone’s odd look or they ask if I want my picture taken that it becomes obvious to me how odd it is. 


For my sit-down videos, I use my Nikon D5300 on a large adjustable tripod. I would like to invest in a microphone as I think the sound quality would improve a lot but all in time. I use my Nikon 18-70mm f3.5-4.5 to film with and take close-up shots with my Nikon 35mm 1:1.8 and Nikon 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6. To make sure I'm in focus, I use a remote control for filming, this also allows you to take photos for your thumbnail. 

Vlogging - generally people will find it a bit odd. It's still a new thing to do. I vlog on my Canon G7x and I sometimes use my medium-size Gorillapod tripod with this. This is quite a standard vlogging camera and has a nifty flip screen so you can see yourself as you natter away. This is good but it takes a little getting used to so you aren't distracted by looking at yourself all the time. As far as 'point and shoot’ cameras go, it's a big camera so a little heavy but it's a great one and I love mine. I also have a nice little collection of SD cards too so I never run out of space, I recommend a 64GB to start off with and I have two 32BG cards as spares. I also have a GoPro but I've not ventured into that yet. 

Thinking of where to film is important so consider your backdrop, lighting, and noise. Set yourself up with your camera on a tripod (or a stack of books, etc), sit in a comfy chair or on the end of your bed, and face good lighting (I use natural lighting because let's be honest, I don't have professional lights after getting the camera, lenses, tripod...). I try my best with backgrounds but we are still setting up home so this will improve. Try to think of acoustics too, avoid an echo and edit out background noise such as neighbours and bin lorries, etc. Sometimes I film in my studio, it's a little echoey so I bring in some cushions and so on to absorb the sound - it’s hilarious what's going on behind the scenes!!


I use iMovie on my MacBook and back up all my videos to my external hard drive so they don't take up loads of storage on my laptop. I find iMovie very easy to use and when I have a problem I tend to find a tutorial on YouTube that can help me. The editing is relatively straightforward and user-friendly, and I am getting a lot quicker at it each week. I like adding titles and little notes in my videos so I use the titles sections and add my fonts to match the branding of my blog. Music is starting to become an issue as finding copyright-free and user-friendly music can be difficult. YouTube has a library you can download from in their creators’ suite so I'm exhausting that first.

To help you get an idea of what it all looks like, here's a screenshot of a video I am currently editing. 

Editing yourself - you'll get sick of hearing yourself starting each video with "hi guys" or something as cheesy but you get used to hearing your own voice played back. You get used to always having a camera on you and, hopefully, it will become quite natural to bring your camera out of your bag and start talking to it as you walk down the street.

The whole process

I made this nifty little checklist to ensure I'm happy with my videos before they go live. If you like, feel free to download it and print it out. Try planning out your first 10 videos and give them a title. Once you have filmed some footage and are ready to edit, start working down the checklist ticking each item off as you go - you'll soon be on a roll with content!!


People say "Make your titles catchy, so they entice the viewer in". This is up to you really but I don't like to be misleading and, for now, I'm happy sticking with "Moving to Iceland..." or "Living in Iceland - week 1..." until I get a little more creative. I've started doing more architectural / designer-related videos and at the moment they are simply titled "5 Reasons to become..." or "10 Reasons I became..." so I have a good starting point that introduces the direction of my content and I plan to do a lot more of this kind of content. I also add my name into the title so it's more search engine friendly and try to make my tags and keywords part of the title too, i.e. architecture, study design, travel advice, etc.


I make all of my thumbnails. If you don't have access to Adobe or similar design software then I recommend using sites like Canva and PicMonkey. I usually use four images from the vlog to make up the thumbnail giving an insight into the video, and then add text with the title on top. For the other more focused content videos, I tend to use one main image (either of me or the item I'm talking about) and then add a filter on top with the title written in the font and colours that match my branding. When designing your thumbnails think of how small they are displayed in the sidebar. Make your text legible and aim for lighter images as they stand out more. 


This is the information bar, located below your video on YouTube. People can click on this to expand it and read more about you and your video. It's good to give a short description of the video, introduce the people featured in it, including any relevant links, and state where you got any music from. Try to shortener links so they are more click friendly, I use a URL shortener. This is a good way to share your website and other social media links with your viewers. If you feature products, etc then consider putting a disclaimer in here. 


Tags are like keywords, they will help you get more views so think of relevant search terms your ideal viewers will be using to find your video. These will change as per the content of your video so fill that box with good search terms i.e. "vlog", "moving to Iceland", "travel", "ex-pat", "living abroad", "culture shock", etc. 

Share it

Once you have your video uploaded onto your channel, you are going to want to get views so start telling people about it. Tweet, Instagram, and Facebook the heck out of the link. Do this for the first few videos so they pick up clicks and shares. After that, and once you have some subscribers, it's up to you BUT if you don't share it, who's gonna know about it?! Make use of all that social media.


The good, the bad, and the ugly. You're putting yourself out there, online for anyone to watch and form an opinion of. Haters Gonna Hate and all that. Having said that, I've been very lucky with comments and have only had a few thumbs-down clicks. I love it when people comment, I always comment back and think it's important to communicate with your viewers, form a connection, and hopefully, they will keep coming back. I get lots of really lovely emails too, to be honest, I've found my viewers to be nothing but encouraging. 

Make a welcome video

Make an 'intro' type welcome video for newcomers to your channel, this plays automatically so they see a short introduction to you and your channel ad will hopefully subscribe and watch your videos. Plan out what you want to say and show, keep this short (about 2-3mins) and try to give an overview of what your channel offers. Be upbeat energetic, and friendly, and make it interesting so they want more.

Go, Get filming...

It's a nerve-racking thing to start doing, I know. I have some footage from a trip to India*, I filmed this well over two years ago and haven't edited and uploaded it yet. This was the first video I made with the idea of uploading it to YouTube. But I kept putting it off. Mainly because I was too nervous to put it out there. Why would anyone watch it, who am I to share my travel video anyway? And, I knew I'd have to film an intro - at least explain why I had filmed it. I liked the idea of making videos and sharing them online but it wasn't until I moved to Iceland and had what I could call 'a a legit reason to make vlogs' that I did it. But you know don't need a reason, just go for it. Do it for you, because you want to. 

how to vlog

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29 Ways To Stay Creative

29 Ways To Stay Creative

It is so true, we creatives love our lists and we tend to love things like coffee, singing in the shower, breaking rules, taking risks, and going somewhere now. We also love working with others, discussing our ideas with like-minded people, and collaborating. All too often my students feel their ideas are too precious to share or get feedback on, they don't want to present them too early in a project for fear of someone copying and they are hesitant to approach others and collaborate.

This is a reminder for them, for young designers, and creative entrepreneurs alike - stay as creative as you possibly can and have fun with it!! 


29 ways to stay creative

  1. Make lists

  2. Carry a notebook everywhere

  3. Try 'free writing'

  4. Get away from the computer

  5. Stop beating yourself up

  6. Take breaks

  7. Sing in the shower

  8. Drink coffee

  9. Listen to new music

  10. Be open

  11. Surround yourself with creative people

  12. Get feedback

  13. Collaborate

  14. Don't give up...

  15. Practice, practice, practice

  16. Allow yourself to make mistakes

  17. Go somewhere new

  18. Count your blessings

  19. Get lots of rest

  20. Take risks

  21. Break the rules

  22. Don't force it

  23. Read a page of the dictionary

  24. Create a framework

  25. Stop trying to be someone else's 'perfect'

  26. Write ideas down

  27. Clean your workspace

  28. Have fun

  29. Finish something!!

What ways do you like to stay creative?

The General Design & Inspiration Booklist

The General Design + Inspiration Booklist

This is my 'coffee table' selection of books that I love to sit down and have a flick through with a hot cup of coffee under a cozy blanket on the sofa. When I have a new project or are looking for inspiration, I love to sit and flick through books, get ideas and it always helps me feel re-motivated. Some of the lists below are books from my university days and others more recent, some you might have read or heard of, and others are well worth looking up.

  1. Kate Spade. (2013) Things We Love: Twenty Years of Inspiration, Intriguing Bits and Other Curiosities, Kate Spade New York

  2. Amoruso, S. (2014) #GIRLBOSS, Portfolio Penguin

  3. Becker, H. (2011) Decorate: 1000 professional design ideas for every room in the house, Jacqui Small LLP

  4. Bowkett, S. (2013) Archi-Doodle: An Architects Activity Book, Laurence King

  5. Frederick, M. (2007) 101 Things I Learnt in Architecture School, MIT Press

  6. Schumacher E F. (1988) Small Is Beautiful, Abacus

  7. Banham, O. (1980) Theory And Design In The First Machine Age, MIT Press

  8. Wilson, R. (2010) Soulpancakes: Chew on Life's Big Questions, Hyperion Books

What are some books you’d recommend?

Etsy and Craft Fairs: My Top 10 Tips For Success

Etsy + Craft Fairs: My Top 10 Tips For Success

Back from Iceland, and what an amazing summer, I'm ready to get back into the studio and start working towards...dare I say it, Christmas. This year I'm stepping up my game, challenging my confidence, and getting my work out there at local craft fairs. I'm taking part in not one but two local Etsy fairs and will be busy for the next few weeks prepping my prints and products ready for Etsy Autumn & Christmas markets. I'm super excited about them but am also very aware of how much work the previous 'Art in the Park' (image above) took, but meeting other stallholders and, hopefully, lots of you guys make it all worthwhile. So let the planning begin and the creating continue.

craft stall

I'm already excited for this year’s run-up to Christmas and the fairs I'm working towards. I haven't done a lot of local craft fairs but those I have, have been very successful and a lot of fun so I thought I'd share my top tips for setting up and running a stall. If you're thinking about having a stall at a fair, then go for it, what's stopping you?! And, if you have signed up and it's your first time, enjoy it and let me know how it goes.

10 top tips for a successful fair:

  1. Presentation

    First impressions count. Think about your potential customers and their first reaction when they see you and your stall. How do you want to connect with them? How will you make your products stand out? Consider your branding and colour scheme so they know and remember who you are. 

  2. Perfect Products

    Think of your range and its bestsellers, what has previously worked at markets, or in this location. Consider the theme of the fair and the type of visitors it might get. Aim to have your products, with prices and any further information, clearly displayed. You can have all your stock on the table or a small amount displayed and more kept aside, under the table, all packaged up and ready for customers. 

  3. Organization + Finances

    Bring petty cash (lots of change) in a lockable box or container to act as your till, look into a card machine, enquire about wifi, use a money wallet so you can stash cash on you, bring a calculator so you don't have to use your phone all day, notebook and pens to keep track and record sales, and inquiries list for anyone who wishes you to contact them, an inventory of stock and make sure everything is in place for a busy spell on your stall. 

  4. Business cards

    You must use these events to network. This might be for wholesale, commissions, new customers, or new followers on social media. Have business cards on display, leaflets explaining what you offer, and possibly a wholesale info pack giving more information which can be followed up by a call or email if you get their details.

  5. Packaging

    Make sales and packaging easy for yourself so you can help customers quickly and send them happily on their way with a well-packaged product that will not be damaged, shows your branding (especially on the bag they will now be walking around with), and has your contact details on a sticker or business card inside to encourage them to visit your shop or website. 

  6. Hype

    Create a buzz. If you are on social media then get tweeting about your fair. Join or set up a Pinterest group and get pinning the work you will be selling. Talk about it on Facebook and maybe set up an event to invite people to. Announce the event(s) in your newsletter or email your subscribers. Oh, and write a cheeky wee blog post to self-promote. 

  7. Sort out transport

    Rope in a friend/family member to help, that way you can worry about getting your products safely to the fair and setting up the stall, and they can get you there and worry about parking.

  8. Stocktake

    Know what you are taking with you to each fair, especially as you may be doing numerous fairs in a month and be rolling stock over from one fair to the next. It's a good idea to know what worked well, what's left over, and what you might want to run as a special offer/stock clearance. 

  9. Keep warm

    A lot of fairs are in old community centres, church halls or industrial buildings so wrap up warm in layers, bring snacks you can nibble on throughout the day and between speaking to customers, and a flask (or two) of tea.

  10. Think of your poor wee feet

    Wear comfy shoes, you will be standing a lot. Bring a mat (of the camping or yoga variety) or square of carpet to stand on - this will help keep you warm if standing on a concrete floor all day and will cushion you too. 

5 Tips To Create Your Perfect Studio/Office

5 Tips To Create YOUR Perfect Studio / Office

Welcome to my studio, aka home-office but I'm guessing that's what many people are rocking. Today I'm taking you through my studio setup and offering up my 5 top tips to help you in creating yours. Art, design, and crafting can [and does] take over our homes, and whilst this can be amazing, it can also drive others insane. My Dad used to threaten to 'clean' with a black plastic bag. 

But that doesn't stop us. 

In my apartment, of course, I have a studio. It’s in the corner of our living room and separated by an open bookshelf for privacy. I have amazing daylight from our south-facing windows out to the balcony and a wall with my certificates and some artwork on it.

My desk has everything I need on it, or by it, and it can get pretty's organized chaos.

  1. Pick a location with lots of natural light

    but also power sockets for artificial light. I sit near the window so I get natural light, and a view of the neighbours but I am not too distracted by what is going on outside.

  2. Surround yourself with inspiration

    This will be different for everyone but for me, it’s pictures of family and friends, inspirational quotes, images and art, stationery, and so on. I have some of my work framed to remind me of my recent works and I use objects I use regularly as display pieces too.

  3. Set the atmosphere

    I do this with music. I have a Sonos speaker and I use the Apple Music app or the Calm app. I love a bit of background noise to distract my mind and all those random thoughts, or an audiobook on audible - I'm currently listening to The Happiness Project. I also love scented candles and often have one or two burning as I work.

  4. Stay organized

    we all love stationery and washi tapes and paper and so on but clutter will only distract and put you off. Make your desk welcoming and easy to work at. Use cups, glasses, empty candleholders, or whatever you can to help store all those pens and pencils you have.

  5. Workspace and surface

    keep this relatively empty so you always have a space to start a new project and remember to protect the surface you're working on. I use a large cutting mat to protect the tabletop and often put down a large sheet of white paper as a background for photos. The more you have lying around, the more your mind will wander to it. Even if that pile of to-do papers aren’t a priority, the fact they are sitting on your desk means your mind is thinking about them, even when you think it’s not.