Welcome to the world, Angus Óðinn

Welcome to the world Angus Óðinn, born on the 14th of October 2021 at 9:01 pm in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Just like with Mia, I wanted to capture something from Angus’s birth without oversharing or being too graphic so please enjoy the family-friendly vlog. I went to the midwife for a check-up that morning, and as discussed, she did a sweep. After going for a lovely autumnal walk with Ingimar, I went home for a nap and woke up to my waters breaking at around 14:30 - similar to with Mia. I labored at home for a while and headed into the hospital at 6pm, Angus was born at 9pm. A happy, healthy little boy at 50cm long and 3.810 grams.

Watch the video

Mummy, Pabbi & Mia love you so so much Angus xx


Back to work after maternity leave

Back when I was pregnant with Angus, and in preparation for maternity leave and life with two children, I took some time to plan how I wanted my business to work and grow as my family grew, and my focus understandably got challenged. 

This is where hindsight comes in. It’s it a wonderful thing?!

Honestly, I don’t know how I thought I was going to achieve all of the following. Sometimes, a lot of the time, I put such high expectations on myself, and that only leads to pressure and then stress and then feeling like I’ve failed or let everyone down. That sounds hard but I used to be very hard on myself.

But in Parenthood, becoming a Mum taught me a lot the first time around. You see the days are slow and you need to slow down with them or you will only feel frustrated and lost in it all, but at the same time, when you’re literally watching your baby grow up in front of your eyes, time just flies so you need to live in each and every moment or you’ll simply miss it.

It wasn’t until recently, with two kids and life to juggle, that I really started listening. 

  1. really slow down and appreciate these moments

  2. don’t put so much pressure on yourself, everyone’s just figuring it out

  3. don’t strive so much for perfection, done is better than perfect

And with that being said, and now that Angus is 8 months old, I am finally sharing what I wrote about my goals for my business before baby. 

What I'm Doing To Focus And Grow My Business

I started out with the intention of helping Interior & Architectural Creative Entrepreneurs successfully Design & Build their own careers and side hustles…but then we planned our wedding and went on to have Mia (and now baby number 2) so my content got a little sidetracked. This is of course totally fine by me and I’m glad I have documented it as content on my blog, but I feel now is the time to get back on track and refocus myself and my content, and keep working to grow my audience and make sure they are the right audience and that I am working to support them and share useful and relevant content. 

Pivoting v Refocussing

Pivoting is when you change direction and that’s totally ok in the online world, and in Motherhood too. Being honest, reflecting on your own life (keeping it real) with your passions and your drive is so important when you work for yourself, and run the show alone. Let’s be honest - if you don’t love it then your readers/followers/subscribers/clients can tell. 

  • A pivot can reflect a new chapter in your life, i.e a move into more Motherhood related content

  • Refocussing is when you kind of kick your own butt and get back into gear - this is what I need to do.

Note: You might have already noticed some big changes around here, like the categories for the blog have changed


In preparation for baby number two, and taking some time to adjust to life with a newborn again, I want to get into the right mindset to best prepare myself and my business for this transition. Though I have no idea what to expect of life with a toddler and a baby, I do remember the newborn stage very well and the guilt that being a (self-employed) Mum can bring. 

So in order to prepare me and my mind, I’m planning out work and goals now (whilst pregnant) and will be working on them up until I’m no longer comfortable enough to do so, and aim will post them around the 35th week of pregnancy. 

Note: Angus is 8 months old and I’m finally posting this

Blog niche

“Niching down” is a term we talk about a lot within the blogging and social media world - whether you agree or not:

"When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one" - Seth Godin

I want, and need, to niche down more and drive more focused readers to my blog. In saying that, I will still be sharing Motherhood and Iceland-related content because I feel it is important to also document our lives but my aim is to help Interior & Architectural Creative Entrepreneurs successfully Design & Build their own careers and side hustles through my online courses, coaching, library, and blog posts and so that is what I am focussing on and niching down into. 

aim: Write 4-6 focused blog posts, of around 1200 words, on the topics of spatial Design and education to drive the right traffic to my site. These blog posts will be informative and share personal anecdotes, images, possibly videos, and a related call to action to offer something in exchange for the reader’s email. 

read the blog posts


The aim is to share more tutorials and student-related videos on my YouTube channel and move away from the vlog-style family content. Professional and educational videos will support my blog posts and bring more eyes to my website, and to my courses.

I aim to make videos on topics such as architectural education, tips for students, tutorials (how-to) and university advice, etc.

I will still post the odd vlog as it is nice to document our family and life in Iceland.

I have changed the channel name to my name in the process of this pivot

Online Courses

Online courses are great streams of passive income and somewhere where I want to grow and build out more courses. I have loads of new course ideas safely kept on the notes app on my phone and up in my head (useful Sonia). Ideally, I would like to get at least 2 of these course ideas written, if not filmed over the next few months. Currently, I have a Portfolio Preparation class and an Interior Design class. These classes now have over 3000 students enrolled in them.

My courses are currently on Skillshare but at some point in the future I would like to move them onto my own teaching platform, via this website, so I have more control over them and their growth. 

I really enjoy teaching, it truly is a passion of mine, and seeing my students upload their work makes me want to share more and teach more.

Looking back, honestly, I have no idea what I was thinking here. 2 new courses were way too much to expect. Pregnant at 40, looking after a toddler, and running your own business, whilst also buying a new home (and moving), and trying to prepare for maternity leave - it’s safe to say that new courses weren’t something I managed.

free resource Library 

I first set up the (then Layoutlines) Library of FREE Resources back in 2016 and have only added a few items as I grew, so it’s time to review and add some more templates and downloads.

A while back, I made some presets that I use all the time for my social media and these could work very well as a lead magnet and opt-in to the library. 

I would also like to update the graphics on the items in the library as they use my old branding and colours. I could take advantage of this and add my logo and create a hashtag, etc but doing this would be a lot of work and not something that is a priority right now. 

Online Shop & Etsy Store

I am happy with my online shop and Etsy store, and they’re both doing well as a good source of side income. I have considered adding my presets to the shop but I don’t think I will be adding any new designs or artwork in the next few months. 

I would like to play around with some more paintings and maybe watercolour artworks but I think this will be more of a fun/relaxing thing to do instead of the end result of being listed for sale in the shop. 


I started the year with the goal of growing my Instagram following to 5K but in order to do this, I need to put in the work and get more consistent with posting and up my engagement. 

I think a big trick to getting more exposure these days can be through utilizing the reels feature so plan out some relevant reels:

  • Behind the scenes in the studio

  • What I’m working on

  • Routines

  • Around Reykjavik

  • Self-employed Mum-life

I had a clean-up of my followers and recommend doing this, especially if you post family content and pictures of your children. 

Motherhood/business bliss

Last but no means least, I want to take full advantage of this time as a Mum of one and a family of 3 before we welcome baby.

Taking Mia swimming and to the park, out for coffee and coco milk, on her bike and all the fun things before there is a baby in a buggy with us or Mummy is wearing the ErgoBaby carrier. I can’t wait for our perfect little family to grow, and to have a son and a daughter.

It’s time to put in the work and get focused and back on track, it’s also time to enjoy what we have and make the most of it before the sleep deprivation newborn stage kicks in again. Here we go!!



If you have been following us on Instagram then you will know that this year we moved into a new home, mid-pandemic. This was no small feat. 

Getting our old apartment ready to put it on the market, holding viewings, selling it, packing up and moving was a massive project whilst pregnant at 40, looking after a toddler on summer holidays, socially distancing, posting out orders, and keeping my business running but we did it and are so happy in our new home. 

Angus was born in October and I have hardly picked up my camera or laptop since. Those blog posts are sitting in the drafts folder, waiting to be proofread but I will get there. 

So as I slowly and gently return to work, I know what I want for my business, for this blog, and for my readers. I have big goals but I’m approaching them with a lot more self-care and there’s definitely something to take from that.  

Are you pivoting or refocussing in your business?


10 Entrepreneurial Side Hustles

They say successful entrepreneurs have eight streams of income. That might sound like a lot to juggle but if you can turn a lot of them into passive income, as in set it up and go, or incorporate them into your lifestyle, then you’re onto a winner. Here are some entrepreneurial ideas for you to consider.

10 Entrepreneurial Side Hustles

1. Etsy

Design and create products and artwork to sell in an online shop like Etsy. I have been running my Etsy shop for years now as a side hustle and it has brought in a nice little income. From offering commissions to selling my paintings, prints, and now Icelandic artwork, it has been something I have kept going and growing over that time.

Avoid postal costs and time by creating digital items like digital download prints, lists, calendars, etc. Etsy can be a fun way to monetize your hobbies, i.e. knitting, watercolour, painting, calligraphy, jewelry, etc. Check out my shop here.

2. Digital Artwork

Create digital artwork, print patterns, and lettering to sell on sites such as Society6, CafePress, etc. If you have skills in adobe then also try 99Designs. 

3. YouTube Channel

YouTube is a long game and takes a lot of work and dedication to be consistent. If you are thinking of jumping on YouTube to build a channel and earn an income from it, consider more of a tutorial-based channel than a vlog channel unless you already have an audience who you know would follow and watch.

Think about what you can share, teach, offer, and what people are searching for right now. If your aim is to grow and be monetized, make it work for you - smarter rather than harder. 

I started my YouTube channel to document my move to Iceland and later, our #IcelandFamilyLife adventures, and so on. I am so glad I did this as it is so fun to watch back and have all these memories literally recorded but it isn’t a big income maker. It takes a lot of work and dedication to grow your channel and build up those watch hours. Check out my YouTube channel here.

4. Teach Online

The best kind of passive income, in my opinion, is an online course. You can take a skill or experience you have and plan out the curriculum. Film the lessons and edit them into a set of classes. Upload to a teaching platform of your choice and let students enroll and learn over and over again.

Skillshare are great as they already offer a built-in audience of students looking to learn. You can earn a commission when a student signs up and whilst they’re taking your classes. If you already have an audience, offer your course on your own website using a site like Teachable.

You could also offer online tutoring via zoom or skype. Share what you know, i.e a language, drawing, music, cooking, etc, and get paid to do so. 

5. Online Freelancing

This might not make you a load of money quickly but it can be an easy way to use your time and talents. Check out sites like Fiverr and UpWork to pitch for roles big and small like editing and logo design to social media manager and virtual assistant. 

6. Content Creation

Blogging isn’t dead, and although it and Instagram can take a lot of time and effort to build up a following, it can be worth it to help promote your own products, courses, or affiliates. You can accept sponsored posts, adverts, can offer freelance content creation on other sites, and check out sites like Freelancer and UpWork too. 

7. Declutter

Let's all have a big old declutter and clear out. Not only does decluttering free the mind and make us feel better, but it could also earn you some money. Pull everything out and only put back what you want and need. Look at everything you have and see what you could sell either on your local Facebook marketplace, Facebook groups, rent a stall at a secondhand shop, or list items on eBay, etc. Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves. 

8. Odd Jobs

There are probably loads of odd jobs you could do if you have some spare time. Have a think, they don’t need to be groundbreaking. Personal training, styling, personal shopper, dog walking, babysitting, cleaning, food delivery, mystery shopper, answering surveys, help writing or designing people’s CVs, and much more. 

9. Air BnB

If you have a spare room or are heading off for a long trip, why not consider rent out your space on Air BnB? We did this for a year or two here in Reykjavik (before kids) and met some great people from all over. It was fun having them stay, helping them plan out their trip, and giving them the inside local knowledge on things like the Northern Lights.

When we stopped listing our spare room on Air BnB, and it became Mia’s nursery, I ventured into the events space and offered Sketching Walking Tours on Reykjavik. This was a great way for me to get out and about, sketch as we went, and show people around my new home. I would meet them in one spot, show them around and give them some facts on the place, let them sketch for a few minutes, and offer up pointers when needed. We walked around for an hour and sometimes sat in a coffee shop if the Icelandic weather was too challenging. It was really fun - I only stopped due to Covid social distancing.

10. Digital Products

And finally, here’s a little dump of other things you could try:

  • Have a transformational story to tell or skill to share, why not try creating an EBook, audiobook, or digital product to sell to an online audience.

  • Sell templates you already use within your household or business.

  • Look into dropshipping and create your own store.

  • Become an affiliate for a program, course, and/or product you use and love.

  • Create an Amazon shopfront and earn a small commission when you link to a recommended item and a sale is made. 



Mia Turns 3

Dear Mia, our cheeky little monkey. Happy birthday, today you turned 3!!

We have a three year old!!

Wow, what a big girl and you are so excited about your birthday this year. “Happy Birthday to me…”. You love singing and dancing, and asking to see videos from your previous birthdays - watch happy birthday baby Mia. You absolutely love swimming and are very brave with your armbands on so this year we are going to Guðlaug Baths which is a natural pool on the coastline at Akranes.

Watch the video


Guðlaug is about a 40minute drive from Reykjavik so we set off to pick up your cousin Kjartan and Auntie Ella Franka before hitting the road. You were so excited sitting beside Kjartan, singing, and screeching. Mummy packed some snacks and the birthday cupcakes for the drive home to Reykjavik, where Pabbi took us all out for lunch.


Today you wore your Mickey & Minnie Mouse dungarees and you rocked them!! You hate having your hair done, much to Mummies disappointment.


This year’s cake was blue and on the theme of Frozen, one of your favorite films to watch. It was a chocolate cake with blue icing and white chocolate stars on top in the shape of a 3. You ate a huge slice of it and then took half the cake to Leigskoli to share with your teachers.

I also make some cupcakes for our road trip - Kjartan loved them!!


A lucky girl, you got lots of fun present for your birthday from magnetic blocks to unicorns, and a huge princess “ballaloon”. You also got the characters from Frozen, some bath toys from Freyja and books sent from your little pal Freddie.

Happy Birthday our cheeky little monkey Mia xx


Easy Ways To Get Online & Be Found For The Right Reasons

I dare you…open an incognito window and Google yourself. What came up? Was it much, was it good, were there some surprises, are you proud of what you found, and does it represent you accurately? OK, let’s take a deeper dive into your online presence. 

Whether you like it or not, having an online presence is something that’s hard to avoid these days but it can be something that works for you. If you are a freelancer, self-employed, or looking for work then you will want to spend some time making sure your online presence is as good as your in-person impression. After all, first impressions count. 

The Basics To Check

  • Facebook

  • Instagram, Twitter & other social media

  • Linkedin

  • Personal websites

  • Companies websites

  • Other websites


Take a look at your google image results. If the images are you and represent you well, great. But if they aren’t actually you, and you want them to be, you might need to look at where you can work on this. The easiest way to change this and start showing up in results is by adding your name into the alt text on your website, Pinterest, or wherever you have control of SEO. 

If you have a public Facebook account, the likelihood is that you are somewhere on the first page. You don’t need to worry too much about this but if the pictures that come up aren’t something you want to be associated with, start adding some pictures with your name in the file and alt text, and you’ll have a bit more luck with the results. 

Make accounts private that you aren’t happy for potential employers to see such as Instagram and consider deleting anything that isn’t appropriate anymore. Go through your Facebook and have a clean-up, consider also updating your security settings if you wish to not be searchable. What you show of yourself and your social life online can give a good insight into you as a person, team member, and potential representative of a company, so consider what your online presence says about you. 

Videos & YouTube

YouTube is a big part of our online life and it isn’t going anywhere. Honestly, how many of us have gone to YouTube to look something up and quickly learn something. It is a great platform and, if you want it to, it can be a great way to create community and let people into your life and/or work, aka behind the scenes. Of course, there’s more than just YouTube, you might have been featured in a documentary or interviewed and these show up.   

I have a vlog channel and am now working on an Architecture channel. This reaches both aims of letting people get to know me, connect with us as a family #IcelandFamilyLie and also helps build my business through video tutorials and more. Professional and personal, I have control of it and it works for me. I’ve found that it’s a good way to reach people, clients, and customers - but it is a lot of work. 


Maps & Your Contact Details

I can remember when a student once pointed out that it was obvious where I lived because Instagram had tagged my location on a lot of my recent posts (this feature has now been removed) but it was alarming that they could easily look on my feed and see where I had been, and where I’d posted a majority of pictures; ie at that time, my ‘home studio’. 

It can also be scary, and very annoying, when contact details are slipped into the public realm like your email or phone number, and you start attracting spam. Be very careful about where your details can be seen, and by whom. If you don’t want your email out there, take it off your Instagram bio and remove the contact button as it takes people right to an email page where they can copy your address. People can always DM you if you want them to contact you. 

Do a search every now and then to check what comes up. Having your contact details online can be a useful thing, especially if you have a brick and mortar but for obvious reason, protect yourself and your family. Don’t list your home address, or show clear pictures of where you live unless you want people to know and be able to visit.

If you sell items, have a return address you’re happy to list and if you want to receive samples or gifts, opt for something safer like a PO Box. 

5 Ways To Add To Or Change What’s Online Of You

  1. Check all account Bio’s and update info

  2. Update profile pictures to reflect the way you want to be seen, i.e a clear, professional headshot

  3. Check over videos and add any that will help your online presence and better represent you

  4. Build a simple website and add a portfolio section to show examples of your work (add your name to the alt text of images)

  5. Check over the contents of any websites that you are associated with, i.e current employer, previous employers, etc.

Safety Online

Being online is almost inevitable. It’s wild to think back to the first time I went online and dialed up, or that I once attended a training on how to set up an email account - I’m sure my daughter will laugh at that. She will possibly just think that the internet was always around, what did we do before it?! And she will likely end up in a job that hasn’t even been created yet. 

We have no idea where it’s all going, it’s good and bad, scary and wonderful but at the end of the day safety is important. Yes, you can block certain websites in your control, in the safety of your own home, but don’t be put off by this. 

Be aware, educated and protected, and make it work for you