Kyoorius Design Yatra 2011

Kyoorius Design Yatra 2011

This weekend saw 6 of our lecturers along with about 20 RMI students attending the Kyoorius Designyatra Conference in Goa. This is a two day design conference encouraging inspiration, ideas, discussions and networking.  There were speakers from different backgrounds, fields and countries bringing their work and stories to the stage; inspiring young designers and recharging others. This conference is mainly Graphic Design lead, however, as an Architect and Lecturer I found it interesting from a general design point and was interested to hear about these designers passion, their portfolio and their outlook on the future. 

I also attended a workshop lead by a team of Dutch Academics who have been asked by the Indian Government to explore ideas to help improve and highlight design and design education in India.  This is a topic which interests me and am looking forward to their report at the end of the year. So on my return to the bustling city of Bangalore; the horns, the music, the cooler temperature, I am feeling almost inspired enough to actually do some kind of creative work.  However, for now I am enjoying the post-Goa-mini-break feeling!

Sonia Nicolson

Architect & former University Lecturer turned Entrepreneur. I help female Entrepreneurs successfully Design & Build their Creative Businesses in Interior Design, Architecture & Urban Sketching.