Balancing Business and Motherhood

You might have noticed my content is moving a little more towards architecture, drawing, and, in general, entrepreneurship. Life is and should be, after all, about natural growth and constant evolution. 

First off, let’s just say balance doesn’t exist the way we imagine it to. Work and family aren’t equal. The scales tip in either direction at different times of the day, week, month, or year. So that notion of fair, or equal is nonexistent. 

Balancing business and motherhood with Sonia Nicolson

As a Mum

You are in the trenches of it all. All the noise, all the mess, all the milestones, all the joy, all of it almost all the time. 

Then they go to school and you miss it ALL

As an Architect

You live and breathe architecture. You know when someone’s an architect, you can spot them a mile away. They’re the odd one, wearing black, probably with funky glasses, and touching (or knocking on) all surfaces of a built structure. 

I have a sketchbook in the nappy bag and I have nappies in my Kate Spade laptop bag. 

But the two worlds don’t (don’t) easily blend

You’ve heard it before.

The identity of a woman changes when she becomes a Mum

It’s hard to explain - this might resonate with you or you might disagree. This didn’t happen to me until my kids went to nursery. So I kinda felt left out of this feeling until then. Until I realized these little monkeys had been my 24/7 for 2+ years each and I didn’t know how to go back to ‘normal life’ now they were off with their wee gangs at Leikskoli. 

…Did I want to? 

Oh my. That’s a scary thought. 

Designing out the next chapter

So I’m doing what I do best. I am designing. But I’m designing my life, my 9-3:30…until I can pick them up again, and yes, early because I am that helicopter Mum who missed them so much. 

These are all important pillars to me and so as I dive back into the studio, and my online courses, I’m opening up and sharing more about design, mindset, and all that is balancing business and motherhood in this next chapter of life. 

Stay tuned.

if you are a mum getting back into work, what are your worries, fears, goals, hopes & dreams…

Welcome to the world, Angus Óðinn

Welcome to the world Angus Óðinn, born on the 14th of October 2021 at 9:01 pm in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Just like with Mia, I wanted to capture something from Angus’s birth without oversharing or being too graphic so please enjoy the family-friendly vlog. I went to the midwife for a check-up that morning, and as discussed, she did a sweep. After going for a lovely autumnal walk with Ingimar, I went home for a nap and woke up to my waters breaking at around 14:30 - similar to with Mia. I labored at home for a while and headed into the hospital at 6pm, Angus was born at 9pm. A happy, healthy little boy at 50cm long and 3.810 grams.

Watch the video


Mummy, Pabbi & Mia love you so so much Angus xx