Breaking through Imposter Syndrome to Launch My Newsletter

“Welcome to the 1st edition of my monthly newsletter and thank you for subscribing, it means a lot to me. I've sat on this for months - edited and saved to drafts - today I'm finally hitting send.”

I’ve launched a monthly newsletter. It’s a way to connect with you, and my community, and serve you with exciting things like posts, stories, motivational quotes, links, offers, and so much more. I want to share my downloads; wins, struggles and lessons learned. But imposter syndrome kicked in, and I started to overthink it so it had been living in drafts. But no more…

Let's fight imposter syndrome together

Imposter Syndrome

If I'm being totally honest, hitting send and launching my newsletter felt a bit like going to a social gathering after social distancing - you are all excited about the idea of it but then when it comes to the day, you hesitate...the sofa is soo comfy and you do have another few episodes on Netflix still to watch. But then you pick yourself up, get ready and go, and it's the best night out ever, like, so you're so glad you went. 

It's kinda like that, ready to hit send but then stopping because I'm filled with so many "what if's".

Boom. Imposter syndrome

It's that inner critic..."Who are you to have a newsletter...sharing your thoughts with the world?! What if no one subscribes, opens it, reads it, cares?" 

Yet, picking myself up and getting ready is about pushing past that fear (aka comfort zone) and doing it anyway, and, if we're being honest, we've probably done a lot of that in life so far. 

  • I applied to university to study Architecture through Clearing (a system employed by UCAS and UK universities at the end of the academic year to fill course places that haven't been taken) because I didn't have the exam results required to apply with my schoolmate. 

  • I moved to Japan for a year to finish my Architecture postgrad studies when I didn't speak one word of Japanese

  • Or when I moved to Iceland to live with my long-distance boyfriend (now husband) of less than a year...I set up my tripod and filmed my first-ever YouTube vlog sharing what is now #IcelandFamilyLife 

You see my point. I embraced vulnerability

I may not have all the answers but my voice has value, my experiences and insights have value and I hope they will inspire you.

Over 800 of you have signed up and joined my list, thank you. It really does mean a lot. 

Embrace your journey, flaws and all. Remember, the world needs your authentic self, not the perfect version you think you should be.

Acknowledge Your Fears

Feeling like an imposter is normal, especially if you are doing something new. Yeah, you're going to feel like an imposter. If you've never done it before, how do you know the outcome? The best thing we can do is acknowledge the doubts without letting them control us. One day you'll look back on it and be glad you went for it. 

Focus On Your Why

This is big and super helpful. If you understand your why, you will have the motivation and solid reasons to keep going. Keep your why in your head, heart and gut. Your why is the reason you're doing it in the first place. Ask yourself why, seven times:

Why am I launching a newsletter? I want to launch this newsletter to communicate with my audience, to stay consistent and to share snippets of information I think my readers will find of value.

Why? Because building a community is important to me.

Why? Because my community are my people; my students, my clients, my customers. They are who I work with, and for. I create my courses and online learning to share my knowledge and experience with them. 

...and so on.

Celebrate Your Wins

Celebrate the wins, however big or small, easy or challenging. I celebrate each subscriber and any reply I will hopefully get - so hit reply and let me know if you are enjoying this. 

I’m celebrating the growth of my list, and how the newsletter resonates, these milestones will build momentum and my confidence will grow.

Community Support

For years I have been working on, and in, my business alone. Last year I joined the Bossbabe Societe. The connection and accountability I have gotten have been so worth the investment. Sharing experiences, tips, wins, and advice can make you feel less alone and more encouraged. If you are on the fence about investing in something; invest in yourself, the return will be worth it. 

Plan, Prepare, Progress - not perfection

As a busy working Mum of two young kids, not a huge amount of outside help, and a business to run, I need to plan. That's why I decided on a monthly newsletter. There's more chance I will achieve consistency. 

I am still learning that perfection is an unrealistic goal so, yes, there will be spelling mistakes and/or errors - I'm only human after all. 

10 Entrepreneurial Side Hustles

They say successful entrepreneurs have eight streams of income. That might sound like a lot to juggle but if you can turn a lot of them into passive income, as in set it up and go, or incorporate them into your lifestyle, then you’re onto a winner. Here are some entrepreneurial ideas for you to consider.

10 Entrepreneurial Side Hustles

1. Etsy

Design and create products and artwork to sell in an online shop like Etsy. I have been running my Etsy shop for years now as a side hustle and it has brought in a nice little income. From offering commissions to selling my paintings, prints, and now Icelandic artwork, it has been something I have kept going and growing over that time.

Avoid postal costs and time by creating digital items like digital download prints, lists, calendars, etc. Etsy can be a fun way to monetize your hobbies, i.e. knitting, watercolour, painting, calligraphy, jewelry, etc. Check out my shop here.

2. Digital Artwork

Create digital artwork, print patterns, and lettering to sell on sites such as Society6, CafePress, etc. If you have skills in adobe then also try 99Designs. 

3. YouTube Channel

YouTube is a long game and takes a lot of work and dedication to be consistent. If you are thinking of jumping on YouTube to build a channel and earn an income from it, consider more of a tutorial-based channel than a vlog channel unless you already have an audience who you know would follow and watch.

Think about what you can share, teach, offer, and what people are searching for right now. If your aim is to grow and be monetized, make it work for you - smarter rather than harder. 

I started my YouTube channel to document my move to Iceland and later, our #IcelandFamilyLife adventures, and so on. I am so glad I did this as it is so fun to watch back and have all these memories literally recorded but it isn’t a big income maker. It takes a lot of work and dedication to grow your channel and build up those watch hours. Check out my YouTube channel here.

4. Teach Online

The best kind of passive income, in my opinion, is an online course. You can take a skill or experience you have and plan out the curriculum. Film the lessons and edit them into a set of classes. Upload to a teaching platform of your choice and let students enroll and learn over and over again.

Skillshare are great as they already offer a built-in audience of students looking to learn. You can earn a commission when a student signs up and whilst they’re taking your classes. If you already have an audience, offer your course on your own website using a site like Teachable.

You could also offer online tutoring via zoom or skype. Share what you know, i.e a language, drawing, music, cooking, etc, and get paid to do so. 

5. Online Freelancing

This might not make you a load of money quickly but it can be an easy way to use your time and talents. Check out sites like Fiverr and UpWork to pitch for roles big and small like editing and logo design to social media manager and virtual assistant. 

6. Content Creation

Blogging isn’t dead, and although it and Instagram can take a lot of time and effort to build up a following, it can be worth it to help promote your own products, courses, or affiliates. You can accept sponsored posts, adverts, can offer freelance content creation on other sites, and check out sites like Freelancer and UpWork too. 

7. Declutter

Let's all have a big old declutter and clear out. Not only does decluttering free the mind and make us feel better, but it could also earn you some money. Pull everything out and only put back what you want and need. Look at everything you have and see what you could sell either on your local Facebook marketplace, Facebook groups, rent a stall at a secondhand shop, or list items on eBay, etc. Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves. 

8. Odd Jobs

There are probably loads of odd jobs you could do if you have some spare time. Have a think, they don’t need to be groundbreaking. Personal training, styling, personal shopper, dog walking, babysitting, cleaning, food delivery, mystery shopper, answering surveys, help writing or designing people’s CVs, and much more. 

9. Air BnB

If you have a spare room or are heading off for a long trip, why not consider rent out your space on Air BnB? We did this for a year or two here in Reykjavik (before kids) and met some great people from all over. It was fun having them stay, helping them plan out their trip, and giving them the inside local knowledge on things like the Northern Lights.

When we stopped listing our spare room on Air BnB, and it became Mia’s nursery, I ventured into the events space and offered Sketching Walking Tours on Reykjavik. This was a great way for me to get out and about, sketch as we went, and show people around my new home. I would meet them in one spot, show them around and give them some facts on the place, let them sketch for a few minutes, and offer up pointers when needed. We walked around for an hour and sometimes sat in a coffee shop if the Icelandic weather was too challenging. It was really fun - I only stopped due to Covid social distancing.

10. Digital Products

And finally, here’s a little dump of other things you could try:

  • Have a transformational story to tell or skill to share, why not try creating an EBook, audiobook, or digital product to sell to an online audience.

  • Sell templates you already use within your household or business.

  • Look into dropshipping and create your own store.

  • Become an affiliate for a program, course, and/or product you use and love.

  • Create an Amazon shopfront and earn a small commission when you link to a recommended item and a sale is made. 


Easy Ways To Get Online & Be Found For The Right Reasons

Easy Ways To Get Online & Be Found For The Right Reasons

I dare you…open an incognito window and Google yourself. What came up? Was it much, was it good, were there some surprises, are you proud of what you found, and does it represent you accurately? OK, let’s take a deeper dive into your online presence. 

Whether you like it or not, having an online presence is hard to avoid these days but it can be something that works for you. If you are a freelancer, self-employed, or looking for work then you will want to make sure your online presence is as good as your in-person impression. After all, first impressions count. 

The Basics To Check

  • Facebook

  • Instagram, Twitter & other social media

  • Linkedin

  • Personal websites

  • Companies websites

  • Other websites


Take a look at your Google image results. If the images are you and represent you well, great. But if they aren’t you, and you want them to be, you might need to look at where you can work on this. The easiest way to change this and start showing up in results is by adding your name to the alt text on your website, Pinterest, or wherever you have control of SEO. 

If you have a public Facebook account, the likelihood is that you are somewhere on the first page. You don’t need to worry too much about this but if the pictures that come up aren’t something you want to be associated with, start adding some images with your name in the file and alt text, and you’ll have a bit more luck with the results. 

Make accounts private that you aren’t happy for potential employers to see such as Instagram and consider deleting anything that isn’t appropriate anymore. Go through your Facebook and have a clean-up, consider also updating your security settings if you wish to not be searchable. What you show of yourself and your social life online can give a good insight into you as a person, team member, and potential representative of a company, so consider what your online presence says about you. 

Videos & YouTube

YouTube is a big part of our online life and it isn’t going anywhere. Honestly, how many of us have gone to YouTube to look something up and quickly learn something? It is a great platform and, if you want it to, it can be a great way to create community and let people into your life and/or work, aka behind the scenes. Of course, there’s more than just YouTube, you might have been featured in a documentary or interviewed and these show up.   

I have a vlog channel and am now working on an Architecture channel. This reaches both aims of letting people get to know me, and connect with us as a family #IcelandFamilyLie and also helps build my business through video tutorials and more. Professional and personal, I have control of it and it works for me. I’ve found that it’s a good way to reach people, clients, and customers - but it is a lot of work. 


Maps & Your Contact Details

I can remember when a student once pointed out that it was obvious where I lived because Instagram had tagged my location on a lot of my recent posts (this feature has now been removed) but it was alarming that they could easily look at my feed and see where I had been, and where I’d posted a majority of pictures; ie at that time, my ‘home studio’. 

It can also be scary, and very annoying, when contact details are slipped into the public realm like your email or phone number, and you start attracting spam. Be very careful about where your details can be seen, and by whom. If you don’t want your email out there, take it off your Instagram bio and remove the contact button as it takes people right to an email page where they can copy your address. People can always DM you if you want them to contact you. 

Search now and then to check what comes up. Having your contact details online can be a useful thing, especially if you have a brick and mortar but for obvious reasons, protect yourself and your family. Don’t list your home address, or show clear pictures of where you live unless you want people to know and be able to visit.

If you sell items, have a return address you’re happy to list and if you want to receive samples or gifts, opt for something safer like a PO Box. 

5 Ways To Add To Or Change What’s Online Of You

  1. Check all account Bio’s and update info

  2. Update profile pictures to reflect the way you want to be seen, i.e a clear, professional headshot

  3. Check over videos and add any that will help your online presence and better represent you

  4. Build a simple website and add a portfolio section to show examples of your work (add your name to the alt text of images)

  5. Check over the contents of any websites that you are associated with, i.e. current employer, previous employers, etc.

Safety Online

Being online is almost inevitable. It’s wild to think back to the first time I went online and dialled up, or that I once attended a training on how to set up an email account - I’m sure my daughter will laugh at that. She will possibly just think that the internet was always around, what did we do before it?! And she will likely end up in a job that hasn’t even been created yet. 

We have no idea where it’s all going, it’s good and bad, scary and wonderful but at the end of the day, safety is important. Yes, you can block certain websites in your control, in the safety of your own home, but don’t be put off by this. 

Be aware, educated & protected, & make it work for you

You Are Your Most Valuable Asset

Self-employed or not, you are your most valuable asset. When you work for yourself, you are your own boss - perhaps the only employee so this is especially true. You might be feeling this, that the work just doesn’t get done unless you are working on it (or in it); creating the vision, planning out the ideas, moving the needle, and hustling. For this, and many other reasons, you’ve got to take care of your physical and mental health.

This is something I thought I had down, but it turns out I didn’t and I’ve been struggling recently with valuing myself.

If you want to be happy, you have to make yourself happy. If you want to get back into shape, you have to make it happen. If you have a dream, you have to make it happen. You need to take responsibility for your life and the direction it’s going in. You owe it to yourself - the cold, hard truth is that no one else is going to do it.

Always invest in yourself, and absorb soul-fulfilling material

Seek out motivational materials and courses, podcasts, events, and so on. Read actual books, highlight them, and write out takeaway points.

Here are some to consider reading:

  • Atomic Habits

  • How to win friends and influence people

  • The slight edge

  • The almanack of naval Ravikant

  • Show Your Work

  • The 4-Hour Workweek

  • The mountain is you

  • The despite map

  • The E Myth

  • Hell Yeah or No

  • Anything You Want

  • The Millionaire Messenger

  • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

  • You’re a badass

Listen to podcasts

Listen to your fave podcasts as you drive, or better still, as you take a walk and reconnect with nature.

Some podcasts I’m currently listening to are:

  • The Goal Digger Podcast

  • The Brendon Show

  • Limitless Life

  • The BossBabe Podcast

Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people

Surround yourself with people who energize you and make you feel inspired, these people should not drain you of energy. People who have the same goals and understand you. They are your tribe.

Don’t be afraid to cleanse your friendship group and start to distance yourself from certain people. Protect your time, your energy, and your focus.

Take online courses - invest in yourself, your education, and your skillset

The best investment is to invest in yourself.

The best way to recession-proof yourself is to better your value; your skills and knowledge, and what you can bring to a role, a job, a project, a person. Learn that software that you have been meaning to, and go take a course in it if you know it is what your job will require soon, if not now. Brush up on a language or skill, or whatever it is.

I know that learning Icelandic will only serve to help me in my life here in Iceland, in my family, and to feel more settled living in Iceland. I could enroll in an evening class or an online course. In my business, there are always new skills I can be learning and working on; design software I need to brush up on. It’s all about prioritizing.

That being said, you are worth the investment and it will only help you grow.

Attend events

Whether for fun or as a networking opportunity. Don’t be shy. Don’t back out at the last minute. Show up. Meeting people in real life beats social media connections any day.

Show up as yourself and be genuine. Ask the questions, take the notes, introduce yourself and make real connections - listen to the people you meet and try to remember something about them. Networking is not about letting people know about you but it works both ways. Would you recognize that person the following day and remember what you first talked about?

You will meet a lot of people but, much like dating, when you meet people that fall into the interesting category, they might just become part of your ‘tribe’. Pay close attention to them as you probably have a lot to learn from them.

And if you are still chasing that number on social media - if you want followers, be someone worth following.

Talk about your work and what you do

Don’t hold it back like it’s some special secret. If you aren’t sharing it then it doesn’t exist and so it doesn’t matter.

People who are self-employed are often misunderstood by family and friends. For example, I honestly think my family thinks I’m just sitting at home waiting for their facetime calls, but that’s on me more than them. It’s up to me to explain what I do and when I do it. To share my work and its process. Easier said than done.

The way you talk about yourself and your work has a huge effect on how people feel and understand you. Don’t be shy but don’t show off. Learn where that happy medium is for you and for your audience. The same works the other way round. The way people feel and understand you will affect your work so be very aware of how you are showing up and talking about yourself and your work.

Therapy - it’s good to talk

And if you can’t talk about yourself or your work, or feel like you don’t deserve to, then you really need to address this before you can go anywhere.

We all need to express ourselves and it’s healthy to talk, to let it out. Yes, therapy can be pricey but there are online options that are more affordable and possibly fit into your lifestyle a little more. Start small, speak to your partner or a good friend first. Letting someone in, especially your partner is a healthy step in your relationship. It might feel awkward, and you might get emotional, but you will likely both benefit from it.

Yes, we all feel stressed at some point. Be aware and know that this is normal. It’s not ok but it is normal. We also feel sadness, anger, joy, happiness, and everything in between. But be aware that stress, like other emotions, manifests in us, in our bodies, and in our relationships, and you want to keep any personal issue from leaking into work.

Stepping back into the self-employed working Mum life as a family of 4; a toddler and a newborn, with very little family support around us, has been incredibly stressful. Of course, there are highs, and they are often very high, but the lows can be very low. Mix in a global pandemic, a potential recession, and all the struggles of the last few years and you have one exhausted self-employed working Mum (said with a grateful heart).

Be proactive and find a productive way to manage your stress.

And whilst I’m here, get the calm app (or similar) and give meditation a try

Move your body

We all know this but are you doing it? Look after your body so your future self can move.

I recently got an apple watch, haha, but it’s actually helping me move a little more. I obey the message that pings and suggests I stand up, and I love a good challenge so you know I’m working to complete those rings every day.

I’m not here to tell you to get a gym membership or start t train for a marathon, maybe try ‘couch to 5k’ first. Every time you workout, your body releases the natural hormone of endorphins. Endorphins make you feel good, they help with pain relief and can actually reduce stress and improve your mood, so why not get them flowing.

You only have one body so look after it. Exercise often isn’t a priority, especially when growing a business or juggling a full-time job with a side hustle. But being sedentary and working at your desk all day just isn’t good for you. Get a standing desk, take breaks and go outside - do whatever it takes to start moving your body and incorporating that into your day.

do you feel like you are your most valuable asset?

8 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed & Stressed Out

We can all agree that it’s a tough time for everyone right now. We don’t need to list out what’s going on but we do need to look after ourselves and that probably includes turning the news off and putting social media down for a little bit. 8 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed & Stressed Out.

8 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed & Stressed Out

Today I felt very overwhelmed and anxious. I don’t often feel like this but I gave myself 30 mins to just be me and do a little self-care. These are the 8 things I did and I feel a lot calmer now. They’re all easy steps and I hope they help you.

  1. Breathe and Listen

    I stepped out onto our balcony and just breathed in the windy day for a second or two. Then I came in and put ‘The Most Beautiful Songs in the World’ playlist on Spotify.

  2. Pop the oven on (and the kettle) and bake

    I made some quick and easy cookies which I will link here (I just halved the recipe and there were more than enough cookies)

  3. Light a candle

    I got these deliciously calming candles from a local company, ILM, and lit one in my bedroom. It not only smells amazing but the light is lovely and it’s calming me just having it near me.

  4. Get in your comfiest, best-feeling outfit

    I put on some good undies (lol), a nice t-shirt, and some tight but comfy PJ bottoms. Don’t just stay in your clothes or get back into your worn PJs but look out for a nice fresh outfit that will make you feel comfortably good.

  5. Makeup, hair, perfume

    these all lift my mood and help me feel like me again. Try it, keep it simple and treat yourself to a little spray of your fave scent.

  6. Message a friend, if you haven’t already, or call

    it’s not only good to talk but a little rant or moan is fine, sometimes needed.

  7. Nurture something

    spend time with a pet or water your plants and care for them, talk to them, potter, and re-pot them if needed. This always helps my mindset calm a little.

  8. Speed clean/tidy your space

    set a timer for 10 minutes and blast your space, it’s amazing what you can freshen up and tidy in a short amount of time.

I hope you feel a little better, calmer, and ready to be you again, and take on the rest of the day. If you are still feeling off then pick up your phone and download the app TappingSolutions - give it a go, I really like it.

Sending love