The Colour Palette (FREE Photoshop Template)

The Colour Palette (FREE Photoshop Template)

Your Projects Colour Palette

Selecting, planning and presenting a project’s colour palette can be key within interior design and architectural projects - it works for branding and often graphics too. Often we stick to the rule of 3's; 3 colours, 3 fonts and 3 main materials. When planning out your presentation boards for a client, make sure to show clear visuals so they understand the concept, design and layout but also the atmosphere, colours and materials proposed. 

Get Your Free Download

In order to help with presenting this, I have created a FREE downloadable Photoshop file for you to use in your projects. All you have to do is join the Library by signing up (it's completely free) and you will have access to files, templates and printables to use on your projects. 

How to use it:

Once you have downloaded the Colour Palette file, open it in Photoshop and change the colour of each square to suit your project. Feel free to delete or add as you like, you might want to add in some text or change colour to material or effect. Play around with the layout of colours and save for the next project. Get started today - give me FREE access now!!


How To Use A Scalpel, Cut Material + DIY Sharps Box

How To Use A Scalpel, Cut Material + DIY Sharps Box

Cutting materials by hand is an important skill for a student or young designer, especially in Interior, Architecture, and Model Making. You should learn how to use a surgical blade, craft knife, or scalpel properly to create clean cuts and neat edges to your material, but also to make sure you are not causing yourself any injuries in the cutting, storing, and replacing of your knife and blades. 

watch the videos

1. Always use a cutting mat

The surface of any table is not adequate and you may damage it. This will then cause cut lines in the surface so when you come to draw, the surface is no longer smooth. 

2. Invest in good knifes

There are many to choose from such as Xacto knife, craft knife, surgical knife, etc. Don't just pick up a cheap packet, invest in a good knife and a few packets of replacement blades. 

3. Rulers & Cutting edges

Make sure to always use a metal edge, a long metal ruler is best. I have a few metal rulers of differing lengths. When model making, I use a ruler which will be longer than any material I am cutting. I also tape a length of masking tape to the underside to help give it a grip on the material I am cutting. Do not use a plastic ruler as the blade can slide into it leading to you cutting yourself or the ruler’s straight edge being damaged.

4. Safety first

Keep your fingers back from the edge of the ruler when cutting. Try to stand up when cutting your material and make sure to always be looking at your work. Press firmly on your ruler to hold it in place on the material. Press down on each stroke when cutting with the knife. Never cut through the material is one cut, use 2-3 strokes (a thick card, foam core, etc) to get a cleaner edge. Don't rush. 

5. Fresh blade and often

Replace the blade often to ensure clean cuts and dispose of the old blade in a sharps box. Either wrap in masking tape or better yet, make a DIY sharps box.


University Advice: What Is Best For You?

Uni Advice: What Is Best For You?

The 6th in my 6 part Uni Advice Series where I share my advice as a Senior Lecturer and answer questions commonly asked by students applying or heading off to College or University. This week’s topic looks at what is best for you, and how to not be influenced by others in your subject or major choices, and University or College decisions. If you have any questions, please pop them in the comments below and I will answer as best I can.



University Advice: Which Schools, Why You Should Have Back-Ups and How To Get Funding

UNI ADVICE: Schools, Back-Ups, Funding

The 5th in my 6 part Uni Advice Series where I share my advice as a Senior Lecturer and answer questions commonly asked by students applying or heading off to College or University. This week’s topic looks at the different types of schools, Colleges, and Universities, why you should really have backups, and discuss funding options. 



University Advice: Lectures, Seminars and Social Life

Uni Advice: Lectures, Seminars + Social Life

The 4th in my 6 part Uni Advice Series where I share my advice as a Senior Lecturer and answer questions commonly asked by students applying or heading off to College or University. This week’s topic looks at how you will learn and be taught at University or College - lectures, seminars, etc - how what kind of social life you can expect. If you have any questions, please pop them in the comments below and I will answer as best I can. Thanks